"A Lion in My Living Room" - Time Lapse

I will confess now that I will never be a serious blogger.  Until yesterday, I had completely forgotten that I had created this blog.  It was my objective to use this space to chronicle the creative process I used to create mosaic art pieces and perhaps showcase works of others that I admired.  My mother always tells me the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  While I doubt that my lack of writing and posting about my work will lead to damnation, I do believe that I am wasting something precious by not pursuing the creative outlet of mosaicking that I have largely abandoned for the past three years or so. 

The good news on that front is that I have pulled out a few of my unfinished pieces over the past months and have slowly gotten back into the rhythm of planning, drawing, cutting, placing, setting, ripping up, throwing, cursing, re-cutting, re-placing and re-setting those tiny pieces of glass and ceramic that I had not realized I had missed so much.  Hopefully I will be able to post about a finished work in the next month or so.

In the meantime, please enjoy the coolest project that I have worked on.  It is a time lapse video of the entire production process of my "A Lion in My Living Room" mosaic that I discussed in a previous blog post back on August 1, 2010.  Special thanks to Jeff Ramer for editing the video and writing and performing the accompanying music.


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